The Masterclass in textile design, technology and business was organized by the project and took place last 29 April 2021. Tanja Meyer (Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant and Glaukos Project Coordinator) was invited asContinue reading
Archives: News
1st Glaukos Stakeholder Labs to be held on 3rd March 2021
Next 3rd March 2021, from 15.00 to 17.00 CET, Glaukos is organizing the first Stakeholder Labs, engaging a working group of experts for the design of more sustainable bio-based textiles. The project will develop innovativeContinue reading
Our project partner UVigo gave an overview about Glaukos in Campus do Mar initiative
Last November 25th, in the context of Campus do Mar initiative, our project partners from UVigo talked about the research on ecotoxicology and marine chemical pollution they are conducting in different projects, including Glaukos. InContinue reading
Glaukos partner Beatriz Noya-Mariño (UVigo) interviewed in an article about the International Day of Women and Girls in Science
In the context of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Glaukos partner Beatriz Noya-Mariño was interviewed in an article, published by FVA, specifically about the role of women and girls in promotingContinue reading
The Italian magazine Eurofishmarket Magazine features an interview to Glaukos partner FVA
Glaukos partner FVA gives an overview about the project objectives and the partners involved in the consortium in an interview (in Italian) published on the online magazine Eurofishmarket Magazine.
Glaukos joins MIX-UP community!
The main idea of MIX-UP (MIXed plastics biodegradation and UPcycling using microbial communities) is to showcase a novel approach for plastic recycling and therefore addresses one of the greatest challenges of our time: the establishmentContinue reading
News on Marine Industry News: “Biodegradable fishing gear and clothing project unveiled”
Marine Industry News, an independent online trade publication and daily newsletter specialized in marine industry, talks about Glaukos in an article available at this link. The article explains the project objectives and mission to tackleContinue reading
Glaukos joins the European Bioeconomy Network
Glaukos becomes partner of the European Bioeconomy Network, an alliance of EU funded projects and initiatives dealing with Bioeconomy promotion, communication and support. The main goal of the network is to maximise the efforts, increasingContinue reading
New article about Glaukos on Ecotextile news magazine
The article “European project eyes transformative material change” is online on Ecotextile news magazine, announcing the start of Glaukos project. “Efforts will address the development of ‘innovative textile fibres’ that biodegrade in water quickly, theContinue reading
Glaukos featured on Universidade de Vigo webiste
Glaukos is featured in an article (in Glaician) published on the UVigo website. The article highlights what will be the main objectives of the project in the next months and announce Ecotox group participation, asContinue reading