UVigo’s Marine Research Station opened the doors of its facilities to Grupo Nueva Pescanova, CABOMAR and Pereira, collaborating companies of Conxemar in the framework of the European project BAPSI. Other projects like Glaukos project, aimingContinue reading
Archives: News
PhD student Jan de Witt joined Glaukos partner Novozymes for a 3-month research project
As part of the Glaukos project, Novozymes and Forschungszentrum Jülich will assess the potential for bio-recycling of the eco-polymers developed by B4Plastics. To strengthen the collaboration and maximizing impact and knowledge sharing, PhD student JanContinue reading
EC public consultation on Microplastics pollution is opened
The European Commission public consultation on “Microplastics pollution – measures to reduce its impact on the environment” is now opened. It is possible to apply until 17 May 2022 (midnight Brussels time). This initiative aimsContinue reading
Our project coordinator Tanja Meyer (BBEPP) hosted during VELTHA webinar
Last November 18th at 11.00 am CET, our project coordinator Tanja Meyer from the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant presented Glaukos in the context of LOOPS webinar series, organised by Veltha project. The series isContinue reading
Our partner B4Plastics wins biggest environmental prize for his work in Glaukos!
Glaukos partner B4Plastics has just been chosen as winner of the Food Planet Prize 2021, the world’s biggest environmental award. This year, the prize money was doubled, meaning B4Plastics has just been granted $2 MioContinue reading
First meeting with BIOGEARS project to define future collaborations
Our project partner FVA recently had a first meeting and interaction with BIOGEARS project. Both the projects are discussing how to address common challenges and define future collaborations to maximize the impact of the projectsContinue reading
Glaukos mentioned in the German “Innovation Radar for resource transition” publication
The new version of the German “Innovation Radar for resource transition” publication is now online. Glaukos is mentioned (at page 55) in an article written by our project partner from Forschungszentrum Jülich, Nick Wierckx, underContinue reading
Watch the “Bioeconomy: The Green Revolution” documentary featuring our partner from FZJ
Glaukos partner Nick Wierckx, from Forschungszentrum Jülich, contributed to the “Bioeconomy: The Green Revolution” documentary. The documentary takes a critical look at the green promises of science, industry and politics in the context of theContinue reading
Glaukos will be presented during the webinar “Innovations for a New Textile Industry”
In the context of the webinar “Innovations for a New Textile Industry” organized by BIO NRW, our project coordinator Tanja Meyer (Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant) will be hosted as speaker. The webinar, which willContinue reading
Glaukos participating to BBIimpact photo competition!
Glaukos project participates to the first BBIimpact photo competition, whose aim is to collect high-quality photos highlighting the BBI JU’s positive impact on Europeans’ lives. The funded projects were invited to celebrate their achievements through high-qualityContinue reading